Laser Classes According to DIN EN 60825-1:2015-07
OEM Laser offers profesional positioning lasers according to international standards and declares the laser classes of the products in accordance with EN 60825-1:2015-07.
Lasers are divided into a number of classes depending upon the power or energy of the beam and the wavelength of the emitted radiation.
Consept Eye-safe and accessible laser radiation is harmless for under reasonably foreseeable conditions of operation, including the use of optical instruments (binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, magnifying glasses, but not prescription glasses) for intrabeam viewing.
Action No additional protective equipment is required.
Consept The accessible laser radiation in the visible spectral range of 400 nm to 700 nm for short periods of exposure (up to 0.25s) are not dangerous to the eye, as long as optical instruments (binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, magnifying glasses, ‘but not prescription glasses’) are not used.
Action No additional protective equipment is required, as long as no optical instruments are used.
Consept Eye-safe under certain conditions; the accessible laser radiation lies solely in the visible spectral range (from 400 to 700 nm). It is also eye-safe for a short accidental exposure time (up to 0.25 s). The upper radiant power limit on this type of device is 1 mW which corresponds to the total beam power entering the eye for a momentary exposure of 0.25 seconds.
Action No additional protective equipment is required other than not staring into the beam.
Consept Eye-safe under certain conditions; the accessible laser radiation lies solely in the visible spectral range (from 400 to 700 nm). It is also eye-safe for a momentary exposure of 0.25 seconds which is protected by the eyelid closure reflex when looking into the laser radiation accidentally for a short time at random. The upper radiant power limit on this type of device is 1 mW which corresponds to the total beam power entering the eye for a momentary exposure of 0.25 seconds.
Action No additional protective equipment is required, as long as no optical instruments are used.
Consept The accessible laser radiation is dangerous for eyes. Lasers that emit in the wavelength range from 302.5 nm to 10⁶ nm where direct intrabeam viewing is potentially hazardous. The accessible emission limit is within five times the AEL of Class 2 in the wavelength range from 400 nm to 700 nm and within five times the AEL of Class 1 for the other wavelengths.
Action Poses a danger to eyes, protective goggles are recommended.
Consept Laser class 3B is dangerous for the eyes and potentially also for the skin. Persons must not be exposed to the laser beam. Viewing diffuse reflection is safe as long as the viewing distance of 13 cm at least and a viewing time of less than 10 s is guaranteed. There is a fire hazard if the laser beam comes into contact with flammable materials.
Action Poses a danger to eyes and potentially to the skin, protective goggles are required.