Wood Industry

In the field of woodworking, the laser can be used in different types of applications. Alignment lasers have been mainly used in log carriages, multiple rip saws and parallel board edgers, wooden drums and wood cutting machines for precise and fast alignment of the wood before sawing operation. It ensures less waste and save time.

Ripsaw Machines

By marking parallel lines with OEM-LXS and OEM-LS series professional line alignment lasers, you can achieve optimum profit with the efficient working conditions you will create thanks to minimum wastage and fast operation in ripsawing applications.

Parallel Edgers

The OEM-LXS and OEM-LS series line placed on the cutting machine are aligned to the laser blade path, forming reference lines for cutting operation.In this way, it can minimize material losses by preventing cutting errors due to incorrect measurement, while at the same time faster operation runs are obtained with easier alignment.

Log Sawmill

With OEM-LM and OEM-LL series maximal red and green line alignment lasers projected on the log, you can achieve faster operation and flawless workmanship with high precision in logging cutting applications.

Wooden Drum

The OEM-RS series circle laser is projected onto the wooden reel, creating a circular template for cutting. In this way, production conditions with high precision are achieved.

Wood Cutter

In wood cutting machines, error-free production can be made by positioning the cutting path with the OEM-LXS series mini line laser.